
Kathryn is at the forefront of women’s work+life issues, and she energizes and empowers groups of women. A dynamic speaker, she ignites compelling discussions to help women transition through many life stages.

Kathy McShane
Office of Women’s Business Ownership

U.S. Small Business Administration

In all her presentations, Kathryn emphasizes the importance of women staying in the workforce through every age and life stage to achieve long-term financial security. She helps current professional women find the work flexibility they need to avoid costly breaks, and she shows women at home caring for children and/or aging parents how to return to lucrative flexwork.

Signature Topics
Avoid the Off Ramp: Drive Safely & Make Work Fit Life
With three jobs—a professional role and caregiving for children and aging parents—most women take at least one costly hiatus. Each year out they forfeit up to four times their salary, lose professional traction, jeopardize long-term financial security and make it difficult for employers to retain a diverse portfolio of talent. Women learn the impact of career breaks on retirement savings and the ability to fund life’s you never knows, the value of developing a personal definition of ambition & success, and how a better work+life blend emerges with a pragmatic focus on what matters to you most.
How to Pitch Work Flexibility to Your Boss…And Get It!
To get a flexible work arrangement in your current job, it takes more than a simple ask. It’s too easy for your boss to say “no” if you casually lob a request to “work from home on Fridays”. You need to make a buttoned-up pitch for flexibility—as professionally as you would pitch a client for important business. Women learn what to highlight in a winning flexwork proposal, safeguards to make sure it works for both employer and employee and how to anticipate and shut down all potential objections.
10 Easy Steps to a Flexible Job
Too many women still believe there’s only one way to work—in the traditional, more than full-time, inflexible corporate job. But the fact is that there are six major kinds of flexwork that are becoming more and more widespread among all industries and job functions. Flexible jobs are not always advertised, though—so women will get clear-cut tips and strategies that help them search on their own for the jobs that fit their busy and multi-faceted lives.

Kathryn’s Audience

  • Women’s professional & networking associations 
  • Internal corporate women’s resource groups
  • Financial advisors focused on women
  • Women’s community organizations
  • Career coaches for current & returning professional women
  • University and college alumni

Kathryn’s keynote address was engaging and insightful. She simply and elegantly made clear that by helping one another and being vocal about challenges, by respecting the different definitions of ambition and by sharing strategies for blending work and family, all women can succeed and achieve what is ultimately most critical—long-term financial security. 

Chair, Corporate Women’s Resource Group

Pharmaceutical Industry

Kathryn has unique, brilliant and informative insights as she helps women navigate work and life. Her advice to always stay in the workforce is pragmatic and lifesaving.

Samantha Schacher, Co-Host

Daily Blast Live

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