9 Lives for Women Blog

Come Out of Hiding | June 14th, 2012

You’re finally ready to go back to work—in one of the worst job markets in American history.  Well yes…but it’s no reason to hide.

It’s a sober fact that unemployment numbers are high, but the only people that should have an obsession with those numbers are the presidential candidates who want to spin them their way.

In just the past several weeks I’ve spoken to several established recruiting firms and the heads of HR at several prominent companies who have told me that they are having a hard time finding good candidates.  I’ve heard this a lot in the last couple of years.

How could that be?

The reason is that employers are trying to save money and recruit on their own through their company web sites and internet job sites.  External recruiters are being called in largely for very senior-level and C-suite jobs—or those ridiculously hard to fill.

Internal HR and recruiting professionals are inundated resumes from candidates who often do not have the slightest qualification for advertised positions.  Out of desperation (and a lack of clear strategy), job seekers send their resumes to any email address they can find.

Employers want to use a more precise recruiting method—proactively searching for the skills and experience they need via Linkedin—but many great candidates are not even on Linkedin.  (Hiding.)  Let alone the fact that I see huge numbers of sketchy Linkedin profiles every day that do nothing to invite a recruiter’s call. (Hiding.)

True strategic networking is also a dramatically under-utilized tool.  (Hiding.)  It’s amazing how many people will agree to meet—whether they have a job for you or not—and  give you great advice or contacts.  All it takes is a referral from a friend—or a friend of a friend—or someone who knows that friend.  I know a man inching toward 60 who has literally had about 100 amazing job search related meetings in just a few months.

So I’m here to tell you that the ball is in your court.  No whining about the economy allowed.  Employers have hired top-notch candidates throughout the entire recession.  Unemployment numbers are only part of the story.  You want to work now and you can. –KAS

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