Trying hard to make a go of a new business? Frustrated and ready to join your retired friends for marathon tennis or golf? Losing sight of your business purpose? According to Business Strategist Belinda Pruyne of BIG (Business Innovation Group), you may have a case of internal roadblocks.
Belinda says that new business owners often focus too much on business operations and too little on their own management. In her estimation, a successful venture involves 80% personal growth and only 20% business growth.
The turning point comes “when you wake up to who you’re being in your business.” Belinda encourages her clients to think about positive or negative personas they may have had in their personal or professional lives and consider if they’ve brought that baggage to their current business. The business owner who was always the family peacemaker might not assert herself as a firm-decision maker. The perfectionist might browbeat a team or fail to delegate.
As well as ferreting out if you’re the one standing in the way of your business growth, Belinda offers entrepreneurs a Survival Guide to reclaim business passion and growth:
- Be ready for BIG time personal growth
- Be an innovator not a follower
- Create a detailed 12-month plan
- Know your numbers
- Never stop educating yourself
- Blast through your comfort level
- Don’t wait to get your ducks in a row
- Master your business ASK
- Don’t be afraid to fail in service of your business
- Don’t do it alone—hire a coach to be a business partner.
A former EVP at Grey Advertising Worldwide, Belinda is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach who guides entrepreneurs and executives who want to be “leaders of the pack”. That’s the 3% of the population willing to do whatever it takes to build the business or career they want. She can be reached at
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