5 Job Search Mistakes for 50+ Women
January 26th, 2013
Reinvention can lead in many directions—not necessarily to a business of your own. You may want to use your skills in a new way, pursue a nagging dream (like the woman I wrote about who switched from financial services marketing to nursing), or get out of a less than fulfilling career rut that has persisted since about age 22. All these reinventions require a job search, and for those who got their college…

45 Tips for Back-to-Work Moms
January 9th, 2013
It’s just not true that women cannot return to the workforce after a long hiatus. The number of years you’ve been out matters far less than the strategies you employ to return. In any job market returning professionals can find significant work–especially if you keep these 9 Lives for Women tips in mind! WORK ON…

Unveiling the Wizard of Linkedin
November 19th, 2012
Linkedin can seem like a giant electronic wizard—a powerful force without any leaders in plain view. That’s why I was excited to find out that one of my former recruiting colleagues is now working “behind the veil” at the networker’s land of Oz. This colleague gave me the opportunity to look learn more about…

Confident Relaunchers, Safe Landings
November 19th, 2012
What are the current job prospects for returning professionals? If you’ve been out of the workforce for many years, can you expect to find a job in this very difficult market? My guess is that many of you anticipate negative answers to these questions and accept defeat much too soon. One woman who really knows…

With Networking, There’s No “TMI”
October 23rd, 2012
Recently I received an email from a woman I know from my recruiting days. She is now looking for a new job, knows that I have many employer and general networking connections, and thought I might know of some opportunities that would fit her profile. In a brief email this woman said, “As you know, my background is in marketing, public relations, and fundraising. With your many contacts and connections, I hope…

Back to Work: One Risk at a Time
October 23rd, 2012
About 100 years ago when I worked with Emily Laux at Institutional Investor, I was impressed by the fact that she knew exactly what was going on in every corner of the world. Not so unusual for an American woman who was born in Vietnam and had a State Department father—but I still found it fascinating that…

The Missing Link
September 25th, 2012
You’re networking among friends, family, acquaintances, professionals in your industry and all your former colleagues. You’re on Linkedin and you attend frequent networking meetings, too. It may seem that you have all your job search networking bases covered, but you might not. Most job seekers forget a major networking resource: their school alumni associations. Every…

No Age Limit on Learning
September 25th, 2012
I’ve spoken to women in their 40s who say they are too old to work. I’ve spoken to out of work women in their 50s who say no one would hire them in a different industry. And I’ve spoken to Joan Kaskell, a woman who has never stopped finding intellectually stimulating work…well past the traditional…

“2nd New Year” Job Search Basics
September 9th, 2012
Whenever Labor Day passes, I always feel we’re in the second “new year”. We never really lose that fresh start, “back to school” feeling in September—and most job seekers look to the fall months with renewed vigor. Right now you have at least three solid months for a strategic job search—before the business world slows down…

Joined In Business Matrimony
September 9th, 2012
When Christina Paul and her husband, Matt, were students at the University of Connecticut Law School, they were moot court partners—and once their relationship took a serious turn they talked about some day starting a practice together. Three high powered, big law firm jobs, one apartment, two houses, four children and thirteen years later they…