Resume-Building Work Can Be Easy on Your Life
April 29th, 2015
Five years ago, Liz left a vice president level job at a Fortune 500 company for a family hiatus. At the time she loved her work, but it wasn’t fitting her life. She had a baby and two young children, and the commute in and out of New York City to a job that was…

You’re Too Young to Give Up on the Idea of Work
April 6th, 2015
Are you hesitating about a return to the workforce because you think you’re past your prime? Age should not be a factor in your decision–and there is solid evidence backing that up. First of all, you’re probably not anywhere near the age that employers would consider “old”. I once had a conversation with a woman…

Child Care Costs Less than Long-Term Financial Security
March 5th, 2015
Women are working more everywhere…except in the U.S. That headline in The Washington Post calls attention to what I agree is our country’s underutilized resource. Indeed, many “privileged” high-potential, mid-career women leave the workforce each year primarily because they feel they should be home with young children. But through my work I have met thousands…

Return to Work with Skills, Not Smiles
February 8th, 2015
During one of my many daily tours through Linkedin (a place where any woman looking to return to work should be, too), I noticed a headline: “Personable and Organized Woman Returning to Workforce”. That headline stopped me cold. (The headline, you probably know, is like the title of your Linkedin profile—the first thing that potential employers…

15 Doses of Vitamin “C”: How to Lead a Confident Job Search
January 29th, 2015
If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to “find a new job”, your gusto for the task may be waning as the weeks progress. It’s definitely not easy to find a new job–whether you’re currently working, scrambling for a job after a layoff or returning to the workforce after many years. But it also…

80 Tips Job Seekers Too Often Forget
January 9th, 2015
Is your job search at a standstill? Time to make sure you’re dotting all the i’s and crossing all the t’s. Even senior-level job seekers tend to overlook the basics–and blame the job market rather than their own job search approach. Here are the 80 best pounding the pavement tips from 9 Lives for Women…

Return to Work While the Going’s Good
July 3rd, 2014
So often women tell me that they’ll return to work when they feel they’ve put the requisite time into what I call their first caregiving job—raising children. But that might just be when their second caregiving job begins—helping aging parents. This fact was crystal clear when I read the New York Times article, “Women Leave Their…

Returning to Work? Find a Young Mentor
May 29th, 2014
For many women who have been at home for a decade or more, there is a good measure of fear and trepidation about a now less familiar working world. Aside from catching up with your industry, technology has advanced in leaps and bounds, and digital and social media platforms that seem to be from another…

It Takes More than a Resume to Return to the Workforce
May 3rd, 2014
You want to return to work after a long hiatus. The first thing you need to work on is your resume, right? Well, yes, a resume is a critical job search tool, but you need to work on your “executive presence”, too. The most well-written resume filled with stellar accomplishments won’t lead you to a…

A Day in the Life of A Savvy Job Seeker
April 22nd, 2014
Whenever I hear about a recent college grad or a seasoned professional who has “searched and searched for a job” to no avail, I immediately wonder: “Does this person know that finding a job is a full-time sales job?” More often than not, job seekers put forth a sporadic, part-time effort, rely primarily on internet…