Get Your Biz Skills Out of Hiding
September 9th, 2012
Never say never. That’s an adage that’s been front and center as I’ve spoken to non-working women for the past decade. I’ve observed that even the most steadfast volunteers eventually find their way back to some kind of paid work. Add in all the volunteers who clearly state they someday do want to return to…

Short-Cut to the Job Search Highway
September 9th, 2012
How do I get back into the workforce after so many years? That’s a question I’ve been asked hundreds of times over the last decade. It’s also a question that is perennially asked in the fall, when children go back to school and mothers have the time to think about major life changes. Recently…

One Sacrifice Too Many?
August 9th, 2012
The work/don’t work rift between women who do and don’t work for a paycheck widened a bit more with the over-played Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer controversy and the by now dog-eared Atlantic article about “Why Women Still Can’t Have it All”. I’m not going to debate whether Marissa is hurting women by taking a short…

Back to Work With A Healthy Ego
August 9th, 2012
It’s no easy feat to return to the workforce after a hiatus of 10 years or more. Senior-level resumes, top educational credentials and diverse life experiences don’t magically reopen doors—they just start what can often be frustrating and difficult conversations. For 10 years I helped women return to the workforce—and I found that those who…

Where Angels Tread
July 20th, 2012
Though I helped many women successfully return to the workforce in my recruiting days, there were quite a few who said they were ready for the transition—but they really were not. That caused a lot of frustrating starts and stops and 11th hour change of hearts. It’s just a reality that some women have to…

Out of the Mouths of Babes
July 19th, 2012
Women who can’t decide whether to return to the workforce on even a very part-time basis might find some wisdom in this story. One day I was at my daughter’s swim meet where both boys and girls were competing. It was an informal practice meet, so the children were just getting the hang of procedures. …

Attract the Lingering Eye
July 18th, 2012
Your resume has to sell in 6 seconds. That’s the amount of time Ladders, the online job placement service, reports that recruiters spend with your resume. I don’t know how they reached that conclusion, but it sounds about right for the “average” recruiter. If it’s six seconds, sixty seconds or six minutes, you don’t…

Work Isn’t Black and White
June 27th, 2012
Stay at home or sell your soul to the world of work? That’s the black and white decision many women think they’re facing. In reality there are many (non X-rated) shades of grey. After a decade’s focus on finding women flexible work, I know that part-time jobs—outside of retail stores—are very hard to find. …

Come Out of Hiding
June 14th, 2012
You’re finally ready to go back to work—in one of the worst job markets in American history. Well yes…but it’s no reason to hide. It’s a sober fact that unemployment numbers are high, but the only people that should have an obsession with those numbers are the presidential candidates who want to spin them their…

Linkedin and the Game of Life
May 31st, 2012
Though there are millions of users worldwide, Linkedin is still a mystery for many professionals. What are the real benefits? Many. How does it actually advance your career or job search? A lot. How do I know? I asked Donna Sweidan, a career coach and Linkedin pro to answer the questions I know you’re wondering…