A Flexible Job that Sent a Daughter to College

May 19th, 2018

Amy Sheinberg began her career on Wall Street, at a time when the idea of working anything less than 60 hours a week was about as possible as flying your car to the moon. She was working in a predominantly male environment, so she fully expected that her first maternity leave would mark the end…

Do Your Homework, Clean Your Room & Always Stay in the Workforce: Advice for Daughters

May 7th, 2018

On Mother’s Day many women will reflect on their roles—thinking about qualities they hope to instill in their children—like honesty, integrity, kindness, the value of hard work and the long-term benefits of keeping your room clean each and every day. What might not be in the line-up…

5 Tips if You Want a Professional Job, Not A High-Flying Career

February 8th, 2018

Many women who return to work after a long hiatus want a job that can blend with, not overtake their lives. Other women reach a point when they just can’t sustain the responsibility of a demanding senior-level career while they’re caring for children and/or aging parents—and they need to downsize to a more manageable “job”. It’s…

Work Without Borders: A #RealFlexwork Case Study

February 8th, 2018

When Lauren Patterson was in law school she wasn’t necessarily thinking she would work for big law firms her entire career. She was attracted to the lawyer’s discipline—analytical and organized thinking and the nuts and bolts of conducting business overall. Like others with a newly minted J.D., she began as a litigator—and spent five years…

When it Comes to Childcare, Think Outside the Usual Sandbox

January 10th, 2018

The 2018 mid-term elections will keep the heat on politicians to make childcare more plentiful and affordable. But until significant changes are made, more creative thinking is in order before women at all income levels make the choice to forego work and stay home. Many women decide to avoid childcare expenses and stay home when…

Family First, But Financial Security is Priority #2

January 7th, 2018

Ask any mother what she considers her #1 priority and the answer will inevitably be “my family”. As it should be…but the question is, what is priority #2? Recently I came across a book written by a college friend called Priorities. There are lots of good reminders as author Elizabeth Stuart-Grimes prompts readers to understand…

From Mom to Moneymaker: Negotiating with Family for the Back to Work Move

January 3rd, 2018

There’s one skill that women returning to the workforce after a family hiatus will revisit right away: the art of negotiating…with family and potential employers. When there’s not a dire need to restart your career tomorrow, the first deal-making is with family—and your goal is to convince your partner and children that any initial inconvenience…

Exercise Toward Financial Fitness, Too

December 11th, 2017

Most women have gotten the memo on physical fitness. If we’re not going to the gym religiously, we’re fretting about making more time to exercise. We spend hours thinking about whether to eat this rather than that—especially when a zipper doesn’t zip or a button pops. Though we may devour every article about a diet that…

Savor the Full Menu of Flexible Work

December 1st, 2017

Do you still think “work” is defined in one narrow, traditional, more-than-full-time, sell-your-soul way? Time to broaden your horizons! Today many flexwork options exist beyond the obvious “part-time job”. There are actually seven kinds of flexwork that involve compensation from a company other than an entrepreneurial venture of your own: FULL-TIME WORK WITH FLEX HOURS: For many women a “permanent”, full-time…

The Dollars and Sense of Women and Work

November 16th, 2017

As a career coach and seminar leader, I’ve met hundreds of “stay-at-home mothers” who spend months—or even years—weighing the pros and cons of returning to work. Though the immediate assumption would be that these women can easily afford never to work again, I’ve learned that even in affluent communities, finances are relatively tight in quite…