Career Reinvention: Out of Oil & Gas Come Semi-Precious Stones

April 17th, 2015

Thinking about a complete career transformation? Read this story about Cynthia Lowrance Grano, a Connecticut entrepreneur who turned a commute to Wall Street into a walk through her garden. There was a time when Cynthia wore a business suit every day. Now she dresses more casually to design exquisite jewelry, pillows and sachets for her company,…

Blend, Don’t Balance Work and Life

April 3rd, 2015

It’s no secret that I’m a proponent of making work work. As you’ll see in my “Look Before You Leap” webinar, I advise women to think carefully about both short-term emotions and long-term needs before they leave the workforce. And I’m always looking for wisdom from other experts who can help women solve the work/don’t…

A Winning Pitch for Work Flexibility

April 2nd, 2015

Since 2002 I’ve thought about work flexibility six ways to Sunday—coaching hundreds of women as they prepare to approach their employers about a non-traditional work structure. You can never gather enough strategies and solutions—and the best advice I ever heard was from an Ellevate Network “Jam Session” designed to help women “Get the Flexibility You Want”. The…

Compromise: The Key to Palatable Work

April 1st, 2015

That day when Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer ordered all home-based employees back to the office, I imagined that many women teetering back and forth with the work/don’t work decision said “That’s it, I’m staying home.” If those were your thoughts, I wouldn’t rule out the idea of returning to work just yet. Flexibility still exists–it…

Child Care Costs Less than Long-Term Financial Security

March 5th, 2015

Women are working more everywhere…except in the U.S. That headline in The Washington Post calls attention to what I agree is our country’s underutilized resource. Indeed, many “privileged” high-potential, mid-career women leave the workforce each year primarily because they feel they should be home with young children. But through my work I have met thousands…

80 Tips Job Seekers Too Often Forget

January 9th, 2015

Is your job search at a standstill? Time to make sure you’re dotting all the i’s and crossing all the t’s.  Even senior-level job seekers tend to overlook the basics–and blame the job market rather than their own job search approach.  Here are the 80 best pounding the pavement tips from 9 Lives for Women…

The Missing Data in the Harvard Biz Review Article on High-Achieving Women

December 11th, 2014

So much of what is written in the Harvard Business Review article, “Rethink What You ‘Know’ About High Achieving Women” rings true. But I just don’t buy the major statement that “women who left their jobs after having children did so because they found themselves…

When Flexibility is the Other “F” Word

November 5th, 2014

A Fast Company article just caught my eye: “Five Things You Need to Know to Manage A Flexible Workforce”. It’s a good article that further clarifies the need for and benefits of flexibility…but it does not offer up clear-cut solutions to the challenges of managing a flexible team. Don’t get me wrong…I believe that everyone’s work…

Freelancers Have Their Professional Cake and Eat It, Too

October 16th, 2013

A recent college graduate I know just got her first professional job offer for a freelance position. Knowing that I’m in the business of giving career advice, she asked whether I thought she should accept. As I considered her question, I realized that the answer is important not only for new college graduates, but any…

Just Do It All

September 13th, 2013

Here’s a revolutionary thought: instead of wasting a lot of time wondering whether you can or should “have it all” (family and career), how about realizing that for most women it makes long-term sense to DO IT ALL. What am I saying, exactly? I’m saying that with few exceptions most women need to (as I…