Jane’s Journey Back to Work: The Modern Resume
August 18th, 2015
Back in 2002 when I was fishing around for a new entrepreneurial idea, I thought about the number of women I met who told me, with great chagrin, “I’d love to work again but I don’t know who would want me now after so many years out of the workforce”. Hmmmmm….I would think as I…

Jane’s Journey Back to Work: What’s My Current Job Level? How Do I Explain the Gap?
August 18th, 2015
Since my last blog posts about Jane’s Journey Back to Work, Jane has been working on her resume and Linkedin profile, delegating household tasks to her family to free up more job search time—and most importantly, rebuilding her confidence. She tells me that she has new feelings of pride as she refocuses her sense of self…

Jane’s Journey Back to Work: The Linkedin Profile
August 4th, 2015
In a related blog post I told the story of Jane from California, a 56-year-old woman who is looking to return to permanent work after raising her two children. Initially I asked her to send me three things: her resume, Linkedin profile and a “60 second elevator speech” that describes her professional experience and the…

Jane’s Journey Back to Work: A Coaching Case Study
August 4th, 2015
One of my blog readers in California saw my newsletter headline “Savor Summer’s Sunday and Plan for Monday”, and decided to contact me about her interest in returning to the workforce after time home with family. She is a friend I’ve known since my 20s, so I asked if she’d be game for a different…

Your Own Business Could Be Many Shapes and Sizes
July 21st, 2015
When I first started coaching women in 2002, it was always about how to find a job in an established company. In the beginning many women wanted what they knew–to continue working for (or return after many years at home to) a large corporation. Then there was more interest in local small to mid-size companies…

Make a Big Work+Life Impact with Your Own Small-Scale Business
July 14th, 2015
As the U.S. moves rapidly toward a self-directed workforce, more and more women will choose to start their own businesses. I find that many of my coaching clients are now thinking about entrepreneurial ventures—knowing that employers are trimming their ranks. In the workforce of the future employers will rely on a pool of independent contractors…

7 Tips to Determine the Best Draft Picks for Your “Personal Board”
June 30th, 2015
In a previous blog post I talked about the importance of having a personal board for work+life decisions. But not all of the most well-meaning people in your personal and business lives are the right fit for your board. When you’re deciding if someone should be on your call list when you need a sounding board…

20 Questions to Zero in on the Work Flexibility You Want
June 22nd, 2015
Just about every working human would like a flexible schedule, and most mothers jump quickly to the idea of part-time. Before you give up full-time hours, however—and a full-time salary that could greatly impact your long-term financial security—ask yourself the question that tops this article’s list: Is what I really need a better system…

Launch Your Career With an Eye to Every Age and Stage
June 8th, 2015
Do you remember anything that was said at your college graduation other than “congratulations” as you were handed your diploma? I can’t recite a thing the keynote speaker said at my own graduations, my daughter’s graduations or any other multi-hour event I’ve attended to fete academic success… …Except the graduation speech I heard…

Resume-Building Work Can Be Easy on Your Life
April 29th, 2015
Five years ago, Liz left a vice president level job at a Fortune 500 company for a family hiatus. At the time she loved her work, but it wasn’t fitting her life. She had a baby and two young children, and the commute in and out of New York City to a job that was…