9 Lives for Women Blog

Short-Cut to the Job Search Highway

September 9th, 2012

How do I get back into the workforce after so many years?  That’s a question I’ve been asked hundreds of times over the last decade.  It’s also a question that is perennially asked in the fall, when children go back to school and mothers have the time to think about major life changes.    Recently…

A+ in Retirement Planning

September 9th, 2012

When Wendy Field of Westerly, Rhode Island was told recently that her senior-level position at UBS had been “eliminated” she did not fall on the floor in shock. It’s no secret that the financial services world is pretty tumultuous these days and just about everyone is waiting for the other shoe to drop. Without question…

Smart Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks

August 9th, 2012

Over the years I’ve seen a few eyebrow-raising “fastest growing industry” and “best jobs for women” lists pointing women toward jobs fewer of their kin pursue.  How frustrating to be on the hunt for a marketing or finance job, for example, and see that there was a better chance of driving trucks, building power lines…

Look Before You Leap

August 9th, 2012

It’s not surprising that fewer women are making the decision to stay in their jobs rather than “off ramp” for family reasons. In a difficult economy when a spouse could easily lose a job, it can be too much of a gamble to give up the second paycheck.  Even still I think too many women…

One Sacrifice Too Many?

August 9th, 2012

The work/don’t work rift between women who do and don’t work for a paycheck widened a bit more with the over-played Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer controversy and the by now dog-eared Atlantic article about “Why Women Still Can’t Have it All”.  I’m not going to debate whether Marissa is hurting women by taking a short…

Back to Work With A Healthy Ego

August 9th, 2012

It’s no easy feat to return to the workforce after a hiatus of 10 years or more. Senior-level resumes, top educational credentials and diverse life experiences don’t magically reopen doors—they just start what can often be frustrating and difficult conversations.  For 10 years I helped women return to the workforce—and I found that those who…

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