9 Lives for Women Blog

The Missing Marriage Vow: “I Will” Have A Money Partnership

February 14th, 2014

When my husband and I were engaged, my religion dictated that we had to attend “pre-cana” classes designed to prepare couples for marriage and ferret out those who were on shaky ground.  All I remember from the experience was ducking out early for more compelling dinner plans and wondering what qualified priests to dispense relationship…

Choose Your Work+Life Path Based on Fit, Not Fear

February 13th, 2014

Facebook and Twitter are cluttered with pithy quotes, and “thoughts of the day”.  With so much to read I often skip over these motivational mantras—but one attributed to Cathie Black made me stop and stare: “How Wide a Frame Can You Put Around Your Future?” Black, a former president of Hearst Magazines, wrote a letter…

Cross This One Resolution Off Your Job Search List

January 13th, 2014

From about mid-November to New Year’s Day, the activity of many job seekers comes to a screeching halt. Though it’s not the case that recruiters are trussing turkeys and holiday shopping non-stop through this period, it’s true that it can be harder to get their attention amid the blinking Christmas tree lights. And then suddenly…

Message to Pessimistic Job Seekers: The Buck Stops With You

November 4th, 2013

Whether the target is a retail job on Main Street or an executive-level job in the C-suite, stress is still high among long frustrated job seekers.  There’s no shortage of fingers pointing at potential culprits—depending on your politics it could be the House, the Senate, Obamacare or presidents who have long left Washington, D.C. When…

Find Financial Security and Inner Peace

October 16th, 2013

Arianna Huffington is right: We are a nation in need of The Third Metric Revolution. It’s so very true that money and power are poor measures of success. There’s no question we will find greater happiness through a focus on well-being, wisdom, wonder and opportunities to give back. In my view, the most essential well-being…

Freelancers Have Their Professional Cake and Eat It, Too

October 16th, 2013

A recent college graduate I know just got her first professional job offer for a freelance position. Knowing that I’m in the business of giving career advice, she asked whether I thought she should accept. As I considered her question, I realized that the answer is important not only for new college graduates, but any…

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