9 Lives for Women Blog

How to Network Far Beyond Your Comfort Zone

April 18th, 2017

As Jane (a 56-year-old woman from California navigating her way back to the workforce) realized that she needed to network far out of her comfort zone, she asked me this question:“I have connections at organizations where I would love to work—but they are either people I am not close to or feel uncomfortable approaching. Call it…

Finding Flexible Work: No Longer A Needle in a Haystack

April 7th, 2017

I just don’t buy the fact that thousands of women are desperate to break the glass ceiling. In the last 15 years of working with women, I’ve met very few of these high-flyers. I’ve met lots of MBAs who became mothers and then ran away from inflexible employers. I’ve met lots of young women gung-ho…

Back to Work After 20 Years: Serendipity and the Volunteer

April 7th, 2017

One of my blog readers sent me this note—inspiration for any woman who thinks she has been out of the workforce too long to land a significant job… “After more than 20 years at home, with a long resume of volunteering at my children’s schools and at three non-profits, I am about to start my first…

Your Own Business Would Be Flexible, But Are You Type E?

March 13th, 2017

There’s Type A, and I’ve coined a Type E.  Type As are not necessarily Type Es, and a very small percentage of humans are in the Type E category. So what’s Type E?  It’s the Entrepreneur type—and an alluring prospect for women who feel that there could be no greater flexibility than being your own boss….

10 Tips to Fend Off Retirement & Keep Your Nest Egg Growing

January 9th, 2017

I’ve met very few women who are interested in the traditional “withdraw from work of any kind” retirement.  In fact, I’m constantly amazed at the schedules, intellectual pursuits, philanthropic initiatives and professional adventures of women well past the age of 65.  There are endless ways to stay interested and interesting…and keep your nest egg growing…

20 Years Out of the Workforce & Into A Great Job: 4 Lessons Learned

September 28th, 2016

One of my blog readers wrote to me recently to share her success story. I, in turn, have to share it with all of you because it’s proof positive that women can find the work that fits their lives—whether they’ve been climbing the corporate ladder for decades or volunteering for 20 years. Here’s her note:“After more…

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