4 Jobs Club Newsletter

Where Smart Women Care for It All: Kids, Aging Parents, Home and Career

A newsletter community for women who need new ideas to streamline 4 Jobs—a career, plus caring for kids, aging parents and busy households. Read simple tips, strategies and resources that help you blend work and life with sanity, good humor and grace!

Continue the conversation!

In my 4 Jobs Club book, 50 C-Suite women share 200+ ways they’ve managed multiple jobs at every age and life stage. The free 4 Jobs Club newsletter expands on their wisdom, and gathers today’s best practices for childcare, eldercare, getting the flexwork you need, sharing family/household responsibilities with your partner, and much more!

Be a vocal member!

There’s nothing more powerful than smart women helping other smart women. It’s actually a strength to ask for help and show that you’re also willing to help others with the 4 Job challenge as well. Contribute your own tips to the 4 Jobs Club newsletter—and when you “join the club” and subscribe below (all free!), we’ll mail you 4 Jobs Club stickers for your car and office, too!

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